Tag: Dalai Lama

More news from Dharamsala

Thursday 6.6.2019 June 5th was Dalai Lama´s second day of teachings. We were once again crammed in the big main temple and were sitting with Tibetan grannies. There was just a little actual teaching as the main program of the day was an initiation and transfer of power given by His Holiness. This means that we were given ordination to the path of a bodhisattva. It is a promise to strive for development, doing work with yourself in such a way that is would benefit all beings. The aspiration to become enlightened carries the same idea. This initiation was a

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Dharamsala 31.5.-18.6.2019

Monday 3.6.2019 – Eija These thoughts come from Dharamsala, McLeod Ganji. I have visited this place once before for the exact same main reason, the teachings of Dalai Lama. After that first trip, I never believed that I would return here as I experienced it as a once in a lifetime thing. Upstairs did, however, guide me/us here with a wonderful group. The purpose of this trip is to deepen the participants’ understanding of Buddhism, meditation and also the beauty of the cleansing work. Behind the idea of being here lies also the thought that the participants would get a

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