Category: Blog – English

Changes in vibration, part 2

The energy of change brought by the Solar Eclipse descends on us on the day of the new moon, and the time of the eclipse in Finland is on October 25th in the afternoon. The further east towards the eastern border we go, the deeper the partial eclipse can be seen. The upcoming eclipses mirror the spring eclipses, although the series are in sets. The spring eclipses were a Solar Eclipse on April 30th in Taurus, and a Lunar Eclipse on May 16th in Scorpio, and now in autumn there is a Solar Eclipse on October 25th in Scorpio and a

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Changes in vibration, part 1

In October, the second annual eclipse season begins, and the anticipatory energies are already in the air. The strong energy of the full moon can already be felt, and Mercury also plays its part in the energy charge. To me Mercury represents the messenger of the sun, and what else does our sun talk about now, but the new winds that are blowing toward earth. For a long time, Mercury has been in a sulky mood and will still continue to withdraw into its shell for a few weeks, all the way until mid-October. Since there is no smooth transfer

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Luxia Borealis

All of a sudden we’ve already slipped into October and I really like this time, because it brings with it such energy that aims at calmly settling down and that is so dear to me already from years ago. Such memories, which I can’t even find words for, always lift me up at this time regardless of my anti-solar time. As if I would connect, and I do, through some beautiful gate to my deepest self, to the cosmic energy of love. Those memories take me back to those years and the autumn when that beautiful gate was opened for

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Inside the Temple

Perhaps even not all Finns know that we as a nation have been blessed with a spiritual heritage and a temple whose physical reflection on Earth is located in Jyväskylä. It is the theosophical-christosophical legacy that Pekka Ervast left us with his own amazing work. The beautiful physical part of this heritage is the temple of Pekka Ervast right at the heart of Jyväskylä, but the heritage also includes a collection of dozens of books. Those books are an invaluable source of spiritual guidance, which, for their part, also oblige us. J.R. Hannula continued P.E.’s legacy with such devotion and

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The Energy Flow of September 2022

Energy flows of September The second equinox moment of the past year will take place in the early hours of the 23rd, at 04:04 (01.04 UTC) Finnish time. Although these four equinox-eclipse moments are isolated events during the year, they nevertheless form a continuum. Year after year, month by month “time” passes by forming different cycles, and we on earth with it. In this way, we get to receive the different currents from our Solar System and galaxy that are directed at us. Our understanding of time is formed by the movement of our entire Solar System and we look

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Time for profound cleansing

This is surely and truly a special period that is going on now! Around mid-July, the turmoil began, which is now intended to help us, so that we may finally and truly heal once and for all from the strains of our own burden. Our solar system is once again of great help to us in going through all this. A new two-year transition period towards the new has begun. Especially we pioneers, who have already been traveling this path that aims at spiritual change for many years or decades, are now at such a point of change that might

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Sun’s Spirit talks

The subject of this blog is the fierce solar storms of the last few days and also this heat, which is now affecting also Europe. Already a few years, perhaps four years, ago we received a warning from the Helpers that the sun is dangerous to our physical bodies. They instructed us to stay in the shade as much as possible while the summer sun is shining, and even then only for small periods at a time. Our wonderful, life-sustaining Sun is downright dangerous to us because its harmful radiation is now manifold compared to previous years. Especially here in

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Message from mountains

Our retreat on Montserrat Mountain is coming to an end. Three beautiful and rewarding weeks are almost over and the return to the Finnish summer is coming. There were various purposes for our retreat and they really became true well. The writing work has flowed well, the same goes for the tens of kilometers of hikes we planned. In addition to the concrete level, the retreats always have a spiritual goal and the Helpers have always also given their surprise. So was it this time, too. Montserrat Mountain is a very special place, just because of the formation of the

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The longest day of summer

Summer has its longest day on June 21, 2022, at 12.13 pm Finnish time (9.13 UTC). The midnight sun is a familiar event for all Finns and has traditionally been celebrated during Midsummer celebrations. This year, Midsummer does not fall on the same weekend as the summer solstice, which perhaps makes the general energies lighter. The summer solstice was once considered a sacred celebration when the connection with Mother Earth was strongly in focus. In many old cultures in Europe, the theme of the celebration was new life and fertility. Then women, femininity, and the ability to create new were

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Lunar Eclipse and Vesak

Our Helpers want to further elaborate on the themes of the upcoming Lunar Eclipse.  The deepest moment of the eclipse is on 16th May at 7.11. am Finnish time (4.11. am UTC). At that moment it’s good to listen to the flow it brings. We once again suggest joining together at the level of spirit. On the same day the Buddhist world celebrates the birth of Buddha ergo Vesak.  The energy of the moment of the eclipse has been condensing for the last two weeks. The energy that was set in motion during the Solar Eclipse has increased in momentum,

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